BBA & HBWC Administrator
Andrea Reece
30 Winton Avenue, London, N11 2AT
Tel: 0208 889 1292
Mob: 07807 893369
Email: branford.boase@gmail.com
Press Enquiries
Andrea Reece
Tel: 07807 893369 | Email: branford.boase@gmail.com
Leo captures a great deal in a few words, so much angst and longing and unformed teenage awareness. A story that speaks volumes with economy. And some stylistic gems … ‘a voice runs up behind me’ …
“Morning cool ranch Doritos!”
A voice runs up behind me and places her hand on my shoulder right before we got to the school gates. The voice was Ari, the loud, funny, snarky, ‘smart when she wants to be’ girl from most of my classes. She called me Doritos – it’s a new nickname my class is trying out.
I smile at her and laugh a little “good morning non-conformist”, I say as we get into the doors of the school. “Wot?” she asks. Wearily, I sigh audibly. “Someone who is a nonconformist is someone who-” I was about to launch into another long-winded explanation when she butts back in again, “I know what non-conformist is ya pot noodle, I listen in English the odd time. Why did u call me that?”
I sit on the long tables in front of Ari “Well, it’s not like you’re a stickler for the rules are you.” I laugh kindly and she shrugs, admitting it. Ari and I get along well – that’s surprising because we are so different. Ari likes to talk back at teachers or speak over them, while I’d never dare to. I don’t know if we are friends exactly, but whenever I bring it up, she turns away and changes the subject. I don’t blame her, a lot of people do not want to be known as friends with ‘Lewis the class snitch’ but I’m more than that, I’m a great writer!
Contrary to popular belief, I’m kind, I know the answers to the homework and share them, I buy gifts for my friends all the time (well when it is their birthdays and other days gift worthy), I bring bags of snacks on school trips and… I’m generally, mostly, sometimes a good person.
I wanna be Ari’s friend not because she loud and sometimes a bit of a moody person, I wanna be their friend because they’re nice and funny and pretty and makes me laugh, even if I’m having a horrible day… Now that I think on it… maybe I want Ari to be more than my friend, not just my best friend…
I try and ignore this for now. Me and Ari look at videos on my phone because I have data and she doesn’t. Soon the bell rings to start the school day. I put my stuff in my locker and head up to form on the top floor. The thought of us being more than friends comes back to haunt me once I am not distracted climbing the never-ending staircase. How can we be more than friends when we aren’t even friends to begin with?
We had the same first period after form, Science, Mr. Abe’s lesson (my favourite teacher!). I go down to the classroom (more stairs, just my luck, sigh). I walk up to lesson and stand in the line next to Ari and ask her a question; “hey Ari…do u think I should start dating again?”
She looks at me “no wayyy!!!! Spare us and yourself and us from the crying!” she responds, and I secretly wish that she had said yes.