BBA & HBWC Administrator
Andrea Reece
30 Winton Avenue, London, N11 2AT
Tel: 0208 889 1292
Mob: 07807 893369
Email: branford.boase@gmail.com
Press Enquiries
Andrea Reece
Tel: 07807 893369 | Email: branford.boase@gmail.com
“My heart is a firecracker, my legs like twin rockets. I’m late for school and running faster than I ever have in my entire life. Fears of getting slapped with a detention (and Mum going mental) spur me on. Breathlessly, I propel myself through the school gates, surprised that nobody is on gate duty. Weird. Guess I must be later than I thought…
Sneaking in through a fire exit, I nip along corridors as silent as a ghost, glancing through the zoetrope of open doors. Every single classroom stands as empty as tomb. Where is everyone? Just as I begin to panic, I hear an eerie sound.”
I turn around, no one’s there. I ask myself again, “Where is everyone?” I am really panicking but, at least I won’t get detention. I cannot go home though, because mum will go ballistic at me and tell me to go back to school and when I explain, she won’t believe me. Nobody in my family ever believes me. For example, 2 years ago Christmas, my little brother (Elijah) took my phone and dropped it into a full glass of water. When I told mum, she shouted at me for apparently blaming my “darling” little brother. Anyway, after all that thinking I determine that I am going to go to the park. As I am walking down the gloomy streets of London, I come across an old, wonky tent with a sign on its roof. “FORTUNE TELLER!” it reads. Me being me walks into the tent and sees a woman with a silky headdress and a transparent ball in her hands she must be the fortune teller! I asked her what my fortune was, as you do when you go to a fortune teller. She told me that my future was…
“That will be £20 please,” She told me. I reached into my pocket and realised…. I DIDN’T HAVE MY MONEY WITH ME! As soon as I realised, I ran. My feet were moving quicker than tap dancers on hot coal, my long, brown hair was blowing behind me. I felt as if I was in a horror movie, with an angry monster chasing after me. Speaking of angry monsters my mum would be acting like one of them if she knew I shop….. fortune lifted. Surprisingly, the woman stayed put and didn’t come running after me. What was going on today? After I caught my breath, I went to the park. I thought someone would be there. Even the park ranger wasn’t there, OMG what is happening! I try to think of somewhere where someone would be……..
The museum! That is the perfect place to go. Someone must be there. I start walking to the museum and it feels pretty weird considering no one is there. Anyway, I get to the front door and I push them open. OMG………….
There was a little girl sitting in the ancient Egyptian part of the exhibition. At first glance she looked like she was four years old. I did recognise her though she went to the same school as me. Meyers academy for girls. She had short blonde hair and blue eyes that twinkled in the sunlight. I walked over to say hi and she looked like she had heard a gunshot. “It’s ok won’t shout at you,” I said softly.
“..r..really?” she asked quietly.
“Yes, have you eaten yet today, you look really pale?” her answer shocked me.
“No, I haven’t eaten at all this week,” she whispered. I was flabbergasted. I pulled out my bag and got my lunch out. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with wotsits, a strawberry yogurt and an apple juice.
“This was my lunch for today, but you can have the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the wotsits and the apple juice, here.” I offered her them. She took them and politely said thank you. 10 minutes later she had finished. “Wow” I thought. “She really must’ve been hungry.”
“Thank you, that was delicious, by the way my name is Scarlet” she said happily. “Now that I am not hungry, can I tell you a really big secret?”
“Of course you can Scarlet,” I told her.
“I’m a fairy from the Egyptian times!” she whispered. “ I want to grant you a magical wish, so what would you like?” she asked.
“Woah so many choices, I don’t know what to pick!” Then I looked at the pyramid and smiled.
“How about we go visit your family in Egypt!” I shouted in my happy voice.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked in uncertainty.
“Yes, I do” I stated
“Ok then, “Scarlet sighed and reached into her bag, she pulled out a big bag of sand. She tossed half of the bag into the air. The sand was flying, and I had to close my eyes, but little did I know that the next time I opened them I would be in ancient Egypt.
I had an amazing time walking around the pyramids and I even rode on a chariot, but things got really wild when I met king tut. If you are wondering how I am telling this story is because when we were being chased by the king’s guards and horses Scarlet used the last of her dust and got me out. Notice how I said “me”? When the portal opened Scarlet didn’t have enough time to get through. I never saw Scarlet again.
If you want to know the fine details then travel to Egypt and look in the pyramids, look for the hieroglyphics and you will see the story of Scarlet and Veronica.